Apple PowerMac G4 Graphite – PyraMac Case Mod, 05/2003

29 09 2010

This was a Mac case mod originally performed in May of 2003 and is being re-published here from my old site.

“Project Pyramac” is a symbolic mod for the Mac G4 transformation or resurrection if you will, into the Mac G5. This was completed before Apple officially released their PowerMac G5 tower in June 2003, the G5 case design is still going strong today.

Apple PowerMac G4 – PyraMac Case Mod, May 2003
Draft sheet of front side PyraMac. Draft sheet of back side PyraMac. Full scale prototype.
Fullscale prototype looking inside. Using Dremel on internal G4 steel cage. Using a plummers torch to melt/bend plexiglass case and supporting parts.
Plexiglas case assembled with all components. Even the hard drives get Plexiglas window treatment. Power supply is also re-cased with Plexiglas.
Case fans with various Ultra-Violet treatments. Power supply internal parts get UV treatment, results are on lend to Tron type effects. Case fan with Plexiglas UV Cover.
Hit the power switch and boom! PyraMac lites up the whole room with an eerie bluish glow. Overhead view of the glowing PyraMac. Pyramac with a Apple Display. posted a article “A Desktop Seventh Wonder” about Project Pyramac. What is a Pyramac?

PyrAmac – (pyr-a-mac)
1. Macintosh Computer in the form of a Pyramid: pyr or Fire Mac.
2. Relating to the action of fire or heat: pyrography.
3. Fever: pyrogen.
4. Derived from an acid by the loss of a water molecule: pyrosulfuric acid.

[Latin prymac , pyramac- , from Greek pramac , probably from Egyptian pimac but most likely from the dood in the Mojave Desert who says PyrMac (Pure Mac).]

1. A computer figure with a polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common point and glows hot with a variety of colors.
2. A computer shaped like a polyhedron on fire or glowing with heat/colors.
3. A glowing computer having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a CPU.
4. Any of various similar constructions, especially a four-sided Mesomacintosh computer having sloped sides and a pinnacle top surmounted by chambers and computer components.
5. The modding involved in pyramiding computers.

Anatomy. A computer or part suggestive of a burning or glowing pyramid in shape.

And, as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them into shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name

– William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream